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This course, like a BINGO game, is based on gaming concepts of iteration and luck. The idea that by repeating and doing something again and again (BINGO, anyone? Chena, Downtown, DiY, or check out the Leaderboard) not only builds expertise but also the process of reflecting as we go further develops it (Writing, anyone? Let’s Learn). It’s all about articulation and growth! We continue to work in cycles together, returning to earlier moments with a different present, imagining future as we go.
Chena Bingo 111 Clay St, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Pull Tab City 1255 Airport Way Ste 12, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Downtown Bingo 634 5th Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Pull Tab City 558 Gaffney Rd, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Youth Sports Bingo.
The course challenges players to be open to the unfolding process, as we do not all move forward to the same destination in the same way; instead, we will create our own paths intersecting through the shared spaces of the course.
Hi, My name is Sarah Stanley. Nice to meet you! Feel free to give me a shout out on SLACK, if you’ve read this page and liked it!
This is me, in November, wrapped in a BINGO blanket, getting some live action shots of Fairbanks Fair BINGO Hall, sponsored by the LIONS Club.
I basically lived and breathed BINGO during the Fall semester of 2016. I talked about it with everyone. I got ideas everywhere. One afternoon, I was talking BINGO when across the room my friend Buddy shouted.
“I’m a BINGO caller.”
“What? Are you serious.”
“Sure, I do it every year.”
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I still can’t believe it. Here I was so deep into designing BINGO and I had a resource right there. An actual BINGO caller! Collaboration opportunities are everywhere. All you need is a little open willingness to engage.
I was only able to imagine a course as a series of BINGO games thanks to the folks at eCampus. The whole course design emerged from a new initiative: “heck yes!” I shouted. The experience included feedback from my colleagues in the components of this course–I got tips on gamification, peer to peer interaction, and even help to build the customizable BINGO cards.
I never lost sight of my objective: To create a lasting experience that will shape the writing lives of you and your future students who will learn from you. Doubledown slots on facebook. I hope this experience connects you with the big ideas and attitudes about teaching writing that will continue to recur throughout your careers as literate people. At the same time, I wanted to design something that left plenty of space for you to help create the course and share that learning as we progressed in our play.

It takes a village to play BINGO! And, I’m so, so glad you are here.
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Going the extra mile? Email Karen Lane to say thank you for letting Sarah go behind the scenes.